Corporate Policy

Sanken Setsubi Kogyo marked 75th anniversary in 2021.
We are grateful to our customers and partner companies for their support since our founding in 1946.

We are making efforts to respond to the various needs of the customers, and to leap forward according to the medium-term management program,
which was developed based on our mission and vision.

Mission Statement

As an “Environmental Innovation Company” specializing in HVAC Plumbing and Sanitation technology, we are constantly concerned with variables such as the “air” and “water” and human impact on the environment. We want to contribute to society by providing the highest quality and techniques in design, construction and service to our clients.


As an “Environmental Innovation Company“, we offer the highest level of engineering and customer services and quality throughout the life cycle of the facility. Our goal is to be the leading HVAC, Plumbing and Sanitation engineering company contributing to the realization of a decarbonized society, and to ensure total customer and employee job satisfaction.

SANKEN GROUP Code of Ethics

  • We observe laws and regulations both within and outside of the company, to follow social conventions, customs, and to always take sensible actions.
  • We maintain transparent relations with all business partners and conduct fair business practices.
  • As an “Environmental Innovation Company”, we consider local environment and the global environment as one of the most important problems of the industry and we attempt to minimize the impact with our every effort.
  • We continuously strive toward the best quality, comfort and safety of the building facilities that guarantee the highest levels of customer satisfaction.
  • We will continue to be a company whose employees and family can depend on, trust, inspire, share their dreams and fulfill their ambitions.
  • We strive for proper management of any information acquired on the job, and give top priority to privacy and personal information protection, and observe the utmost confidentiality in any of our business matters.
  • We strive to cooperate with local communities in each of our operations, through communication and by working together in order to have the minimal impact on everyday life.
  • We do not tolerate any antisocial behavior or groups that threaten the social order of any kind; we stand resolutely against any such individuals and associations.
  • We disclose all information immediately to our Compliance Committee upon any occurrence of issues that go against our Charter. We also demand full accountability and solutions for any issues that may arise.
  • The duty as the Head of the Company is to maintain the professional level of service for which the company has become known, and to continue to uphold integrity in all business practices.

Signatory of the UN Global Compact

We are registered as a signatory and participating business of the United Nations’ UN Global Compact. Endorsing the Compact’s ten principles in the four areas of Human Rights, Labour, Environment, and Anti-Corruption, we continue to pursue sustainability-driven initiatives under the commitment of our top management.

UN Global Compact


Excellent Health Management Corporation

The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and Japan Health Council have jointly recognized us as an “excellent health management corporation 2024 (large-scale corporation division).“

2024 Health and productivity

Health and Productivity Management Declaration

We believe that when all employees perform their work in good physical and mental health and with a feeling of security, and fully demonstrate their individual talents as members of an Environmental Innovation Company, they can get satisfaction both in work and life.
Based on the conviction that this is the greatest driver of company growth and development, we will implement Health and Productivity Management in concert with industrial physicians, our employees and their families.