Our company was founded as Sanken Setsubi Kogyo, a limited partnership company, in March 1946 (21st year of Showa) starting with 17 employees. In May 1947 (22nd year of Showa), it became a joint stock company under the name of Sanken Setsubi Kogyo Co., Ltd. with capital of ¥1 million. Since then we have successively established branches throughout Japan expanding our business base. In 1965 (40th year of Showa), our new office building was completed and in 1992 (4th year of Heisei), we established a technical research center (currently, the Tsukuba-Mirai Technology Center) as a research and development center.
Sanken Setsubi Kogyo early on embraced the development of Zero-energy building technology as a countermeasure to global warming. In 2013, the renovation of all the buildings of our Tsukuba-Mirai Technology Center to zero-energy buildings was completed.
In September 2013 (25th year of Heisei), we moved our head office to a more convenient location with better earthquake-resistance. We also expanded overseas with a view to cultivating the ASEAN market. In October 2018 (30th year of Heisei), our Hokkaido Branch office was housed in a cold climate zero-energy building. Thanks to the trust of our customers, we have ample experience and a great track record. As a result in 2021, we are now in our 75th year and have grown into a firm with a total of 1300 employees and an annual revenue exceeding ¥90 billion.
We will not forget the pioneering spirit at our inception and are committed to fulfilling our pledge to society as an “Environment Creating HVAC company.”

Founder and President Minoru Matsui establishes Sanken Setsubi Kogyo joint stock company in Nihonbashi, Kabuto-cho, Tokyo
Opens Sendai Business office (upgraded to Sendai Branch in1988)
Officially registers as Sanken Setsubi Kogyo Co., Ltd.
Opens Sapporo Business office (upgraded to Hokkaido Branch in1988)
Opens Nagoya Business office (upgraded to Nagoya Branch in1962)
Opens Osaka Business office (upgraded to Osaka Branch in1956)
Opens Hiroshima Business office (upgraded to Chugoku Branch in1985)
Opens Fukuoka Business office (upgraded to Kyushu Branch in1975)
Moves Head office to Nihonbashi Hakozaki-cho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
Marks 15th anniversary
Opens Yokohama Business office (upgraded to Yokohama Branch in1962)
New Head Office building is completed in Nihonbashi Kakigara-cho Chuo-ku Tokyo
Opens Chiba Business office (upgraded to Higashikanto Branch in1962)
Opens Saitama Business office (upgraded to Kitakanto Branch in1962)
Second Head Office building is completed in Nihonbashi Hakozaki-cho Chuo-ku Tokyo
President Minoru Matsui is awarded the Medal with Yellow Ribbon
Seiichi Mifune is inaugurated as President and COO
New building of Osaka Branch is completed
Akio Teramoto is inaugurated as President and COO
New Tsukuba Technical Center building is completed
President and COO Akio Teramoto is awarded the Order of the Rising Sun, Gold Rays with Rosette
Marks the 50th anniversary
Head office obtains ISO9000 certification (1994 Version)
ISO9000 Certification is expanded to all Branches
All Branches obtain ISO14000 Certification(1994 Version)
Tokyo Corporate Headquarters merges with the Tokyo Head Office (upgraded to Tokyo Branch in 2005)
ISO9000 certification is changed to 2000 Version
Starts the “60 Refreshment” promotion project
ISO14000 certification changed over to 2004 Version
Marks 60th anniversary
Eiichi Matsui inaugurated as President and COO
Starts renovation of the Tsukubamirai Technology Center for the realization of ZEB
Introduces Managing officer system
Moves Head Office and Tokyo Branch Office to Shinkawa, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
Ventures into Thailand with a view to cultivating the ASEAN market.
Tsukuba Mirai Technology Center is completely renovated to ZEB
Receives “Director-General’s Prize, the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy” in Heisei 27th Energy-Conservation Grand Prize
Marks 70th anniversary
Establishes Thailand Representative Office
Establishes Jakarta Representative Office
Establishes “SANKEN SETSUBI MYANMAR CO., LTD.”, local subsidiary in Myanmar
Registered as a “ZEB Planner”
The office building of the Hokkaido Branch reconstructed, aimed for being a Zero Energy Building
Completes the office building of Hokkaido Branch and Hokkaido Sanken Service Koji Co., Ltd. (Sapporo Sanken Building)
Attains the “ZEB Ready” evaluation of the BELS certification
Marks 75th anniversary
New training center under-construction aimed to achieve “ZEB” certification in existing dismantled warehouse location in ina town, Saitama
Signs the United Nations Global Compact
Closes the local subsidiary in Myanmar
Announces the Partnership Building Declaration
Receives prizes in two categories of Reiwa 3th Energy Conservation Grand Prize
・Energy Conservation Center President’s Prize
・Judging Committee Special Prize
Establishes a U.S. local corporation “Global Environmental Technologies Inc.”
Completes the Saitama Technology Center to improve technical capabilities and promote human interaction
Achieves “Nearly ZEB” in 2021 due to operational improvement at Sapporo Sanken Building (Hokkaido Branch/Hokkaido Sanken Service Koji Co., Ltd.)
Attains the “ZEB Ready” evaluation of the BELS certification at Saitama Technology Center
Receives the “Energy Conservation Center President’s Prize” of the 2022 Energy Conservation Awards.
Recognized as the 2023 Excellent Corporation in Health Management (Large Corporation Division).
Attains the “S Rank” evaluation of the CASBEE-Wellness Office certification at Saitama Technology Center
Our business office in the Tokyo metropolitan area obtains ISO 45001 certification.
Recognized as a DX Accredited Business
We have obtained ISO 45001 certification for all our branches
Our Engineering Management Division has achieved ISO19650 certification